
Flavor Consultants, Inc.

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Flavor Consultants has been in business since 1995. We represent over 15 flavor and food ingredient companies, handling promotion, sales, and distribution worldwide. Flavor Consultants offers a wide variety of food and flavor ingredients, as well as specialty products. We work closely with our suppliers & clients on an individual basis to create and match customized flavors while keeping the lowest possible prices. Our US and International relationships give us the ability to find the best sources for ingredients and raw materials. Our unsurpassed customer service has the ability to assist with technical questions and inquires in a timely manner. Our objective is to provide low cost, high quality products and effectively coordinate the needs and requirements of our customers.


Flavor Consultants has been in business since 1995. We represent over 15 flavor and food ingredient companies, handling promotion, sales, and distribution worldwide. Flavor Consultants offers a wide variety of food and flavor ingredients, as well as specialty products. We work closely with our suppliers & clients on an individual basis to create and match customized flavors while keeping the lowest possible prices. Our US and International relationships give us the ability to find the best sources for ingredients and raw materials. Our unsurpassed customer service has the ability to assist with technical questions and inquires in a timely manner. Our objective is to provide low cost, high quality products and effectively coordinate the needs and requirements of our customers.

No・ゾーン 2241
住所 2875 Coleman Street, North Las Vegas, NV 89032
TEL (702) 643-4378
URL www.flavorconsultants.com
  • 分類: その他甘味料 / 甘味料 / 乳化剤 / 保存料 / 保存料・日持ち向上剤 / 日持ち向上剤 / うまみ調味料(MSG) / その他保存料・日持ち向上剤 / 酵母エキス / 調味料 / その他調味料 / 水産エキス / 野菜エキス / エキストラクト類 / 大豆・卵製品 / その他乳製品 / タンパク質系素材 / 大豆タンパク / アミノ酸及びその誘導体 / スパイス・ハーブ / その他デンプン及びその他誘導体 / デンプン・加工デンプン / ココア製品 / その他スパイス・ハーブ / スパイス抽出物 / その他食素材
  • 名称: Nathan Gossard
見所・特徴 Flavor Consultants has been in business since 1995. We represent over 15 flavor and food ingredient companies, handling promotion, sales, and distribution worldwide. Flavor Consultants offers a wide variety of food and flavor ingredients, as well as specialty products. We work closely with our suppliers & clients on an individual basis to create and match customized flavors while keeping the lowest possible prices. Our US and International relationships give us the ability to find the best sources for ingredients and raw materials. Our unsurpassed customer service has the ability to assist with technical questions and inquires in a timely manner. Our objective is to provide low cost, high quality products and effectively coordinate the needs and requirements of our customers.